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Nov 11, 20193 min read

Penetration Testing

Friendly cyberattacks exist! Hire hackers to test your security.

What Is a Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing is a practice of testing a computer system, network or a web application to find flaws and potential security vulnerabilities. The testing is usually done by a third party in the form of a "friendly cyberattack". You can basically hire hackers to test your security. They should report honest and transparent feedback with suggestions for improvement. Their output is a part of the project documentation. Penetration Tests (or pen tests) are mandatory for certain subjects, such as banks, credit card companies, hospitals, or military organizations.

Penetration Testing requires experienced network security professionals with in-depth knowledge of computer operating systems. It is quite expensive to perform such tests, for some companies even unaffordable. If you cannot hire a third party to do the tests manually, there are always automated Penetration Test tools. Some of them even free of charge, such as OWASP, Nmap, John the Ripper, or Burp Suite. The most common approach is a combination of both manual and automated processes.

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Why You Might Want the Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing helps you to:

  • avoid financial damage
  • improve security
  • ensure that implemented controls are effective
  • uncover hidden system vulnerabilities before the criminals do
  • maintain the company's image and the customers' trust
  • protect you and your customers
  • secure user data
  • follow regulations and certifications you might need

Problems the Penetration Testing Solve

How to Implement the Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing should be a part of your software development lifecycle, not after the product is developed. Fixing the issues at the end is much more expensive than dealing with them during development. Penetration Testing should be performed after every bigger code change.

Penetration Testing involves these stages:

  1. Planning and reconnaissance Penetration Testers define the goals of the test and find proper testing methods.
  2. Scanning Testers analyze how the system responds to the test.
  3. Gaining access Attack the system! Testers try to break into the system with a strategy like SQL injection, backdoors, or cross-site scripting to uncover weaknesses.
  4. Maintaining exploit How long can the tester stay in the system? Is it long enough that the actual hacker could gain deeper access?
  5. Analysis and configuration review Testers make a detailed report on the performed test.

Penetration TestingSource: imperva: Penetration Testing

Common Pitfalls of the Penetration Testing

There are potential risks involved with third-party Penetration Testing. Sensitive data can be exploited, servers can crash, systems can be corrupted. It is necessary to hire only credentialed professionals.

If you want to do the Penetration Tests by yourself, you have to train professionals. If the tests are made by unskilled programmers, it can lead to poor performance or even a system crash. In the end, it might save you some money to hire an expensive professional.

Resources for the Penetration Testing

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